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August Scripture Reading

Josh Samples


Topic: Your Heavenly Father Wants You To Enjoy Financial Success!

August 1) 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, EVEN AS THY SOUL PROSPERS.

Jesus doesn’t want you poor and struggling economically nor physically sick and full of disease. Notice your physical and financial condition are directly dependent upon your spiritual health, “EVEN AS THY SOUL PROSPERS.” So for the next 30 days I’m going to help you with the prosperity of your soul say this out loud: “According to 3 John 1:2 Jesus wants me to prosper and be in good health and I will do my best to cooperate!”

August 2) To understand the phrase, “Even as your soul prospers.” You must have Bible understanding of who you really are.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 “… and I pray God your whole SPIRIT and SOUL and BODY be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The person that you see in the mirror isn’t the real you. That is the physical body that the real you (your spirit man) temporarily lives in. Notice also you have a SPIRIT and a SOUL. Two different things. When you received eternal life into your SPIRIT, the real you was born again! But you have a SOUL that wasn’t changed and we will talk about that tomorrow.

Say this, “I’m a spirit being, I possess a soul and I live in a physical body. “

August 3) Hebrews 4:12 “For the WORD OF GOD IS quick (ALIVE), and full of power, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT…”Revelation knowledge from the Word of God with the help of The Holy Spirit is the only way to truly understand the difference between, SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY.

Say this: “With the Holy Spirit’s help I will pray and study God’s Word and understand in my heart and with my mind that, “I am a SPIRIT BEING, I possess a SOUL and I live in a PHYSICAL BODY!”

August 4) Your spirit is where you received eternal life and the Holy Spirit lives and bears witness that you are born again. Your soul also lives inside your body, but it consists of your mind, will and emotions. Your spirit is brand new and full of God. But your soul is full of natural knowledge of things you learned before you were born again.

James 1:21 Wherefore lay aside all filthiness and abundance of wickedness, and receive with meekness, the engrafted WORD, WHICH IS ABLE TO SAVE YOUR SOULS.

This verse is talking to born again Christians! Your spirit is saved! But your soul needs a lot of change so you can enjoy 3 John 1:2 “Prosper and live in good health” how Jesus wants you to. Stick with me this month and you will begin to see your soul prosper more and more!

Say this: “I will meditate in God’s Word every day and prosper in my soul!”

August 5) Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want (lack)…”



The mind is the door to our spirit and our minds have been educated wrong about spiritual things.

Psalm 23:3 and Romans 12:2 say the same thing. Like a smart phone or computer we need a new program in our minds. It’s called, “The Bible”! Specifically this month our souls are receiving an update from The Holy Spirit called: “Your Heavenly Father WANTS YOU TO ENJOY FINANCIAL SUCCESS!”

Now that we’ve laid a foundation for five days, be prepared for the update (prosperity) of your soul to begin tomorrow!

Say this today:” I will receive all the Bible knowledge my Heavenly Father has for me and I will enjoy financial success in life!”

August 6) Psalm 35:27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor My righteous cause (have you ever heard the phrase, “For the cause of Christ?”. God’s cause has always been salvation, to preach the gospel to every person on earth!): yea, let them SAY CONTINUALLY, LET THE LORD BE MAGNIFIED WHICH HAS PLEASURE IN THE PROSPERITY OF HIS SERVANT.

Prosperity: The condition of being successful or thriving: especially economic well-being.

To reprogram your mind to agree with God’s will for your life, Starting today say this every time that you’re tempted to complain of lack.

“Jesus gets pleasure when I prosper financially!!! Because I love and support the preaching of the gospel. “

August 7) Psalm 37:25 (King David said)”I have been young, and now am old; yet I HAVE NOT SEEN THE RIGHTEOUS FORSAKEN, NOR HIS CHILDREN BEGGING FOR FOOD. “v26 “He is ever merciful, and lends; and his children are blessed. “

King David as well as many of us today know the will and the heart of our loving Heavenly Father.

Begin to talk about His provision every day. Start saying things like:”I always have more than enough food, gasoline, school money, bills paid on time and in full…etc. “

August 8) Deuteronomy 8:18 But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee power (ability, the means) to get wealth, THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH (CONFIRM) HIS COVENANT which He swore unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

Israel had been delivered from slavery in Egypt. They then spent forty years wandering around the desert. Then it was time to go into Canaan Land and possess all that He had promised them.

This is a type of New Covenant Believers being delivered from darkness and Satan’s slavery to sin, sickness, poverty, addictions, etc. Now God wants us to walk by faith and begin to take possession of all the promises of God in the New Testament.

Make this faith confession: “I will by faith receive all that Jesus purchased for me at Calvary!”

August 9) Read Deuteronomy 8:18. Notice: “… giveth thee POWER TO GET WEALTH, THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH HIS COVENANT…”

Power here means the ability, the resources, the wisdom, favor…

Wealth: Abundance of valuable material possessions or resources: affluence; abundant supply

Establish: confirm

HIS COVENANT: This is His contract of promises that He made and recorded in the Bible.

God must get it to you so He can send it through you!

You must use what He gives you to bless and help others in Jesus Name to share His love as a life style.

Confession: I’ve been blessed by God to be a blessing!

August 10) 2 Corinthians 9:6-10

Read these New Testament verses and compare them with Deuteronomy 8:18. Notice v6-7 We always reap what we sow. And God gave us a free will (our will is part of our soul). So we sow (give) by faith and by choice! “…For God loves a cheerful giver.”

Confession: I cheerfully give bountifully and I receive bountifully!

August 11) 2 Corinthians 9:8 Amplified Bible: And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].

Wow! This is what God’s covenant is all about in the financial arena for the believer that chooses to be a cheerful giver!

Confession: Read this verse out loud frequently for several days and make it your personal confession of faith!

August 12) Deuteronomy 8:18 “But thou shalt REMEMBER the Lord thy God…” What are we sure to REMEMBER? This passage is talking about God giving us the means and ability to enjoy financial success. He wants us to have more than enough to help finance the preaching of the gospel and have abundant supply for our family! Tomorrow I will show the first thing to REMEMBER to be in position to have more than enough financial provision.

August 13) Hebrews 7:8 And here (on earth) men that die (pastors/preachers) receive tithes; but there He (Jesus) receives them, of Whom it is witnessed that He Lives.

The first thing we must learn from the Bible and always REMEMBER about our money is whenever we get paid, the tithe is not only about money, it’s a Biblical principle. We pay our tithe by faith knowing that Jesus receives it through the pastor of your church. More about this tomorrow.

August 14) Leviticus 27:30 “And all the tithe … is the Lord’s: it is holy unto the Lord.”

v32 “And concerning the tithe … THE TENTH shall be holy unto the Lord.”

The Old Testament people God was talking to were farmers and shepherds. Their economic support was from what they grew in their orchards and fields. And from the increase of sheep and cattle they possessed. Today most of us get a paycheck or profit from our business. God simply says, “Remember Me when you get paid, the first 10% is Holy and belongs to Me.” This is the number one step of giving us the power to get wealth to establish His Covenant.

August 15) Read Malachi 3:8-12

Notice v8 “…tithes and offerings.

There is a difference between “a tithe“ and “an offering”. A tithe is always the first 10% of your gross income. Your gross is your paycheck before any taxes come on. An offering is any money you give above your tithe. I’ve heard people say because of a lack of teaching, “I’m tithing 20%”.You can’t tithe 20%. A tithe is always 10%. But, you can pay your tithe (10%) and give as an offering another 10%.

V9 Simply speaking even today the world system is under Satan’s influence (2 Corinthians 4:4; l Peter 5:8). But the simple act of tithing by faith and obedience to God’s Word makes it possible to break free from the curse and operate in God’s economic system.

August 16) Malachi 3:10 This is God’s instructions to live free from the curse on the World’s economics and live in the blessing that Jesus made possible (Galatians 3:13-14, 29). Read these verses and then Malachi 3:10 again.

God says paraphrased: “Bring all your tithes to your storehouse so there will be food there.” Your storehouse is your church and God wants the church and pastors taken care of so they can spend their time in the Word and praying for the congregation.

August 17) Malachi 3:10 “…and prove Me now herewith saith the Lord of hosts (battles), if I will not OPEN YOU THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN, and POUR YOU OUT A BLESSING, that there shall be room enough to receive it.)” You can’t “open” an “open” window! You can only “open” a “closed” window!

A person can be born again and know they’re going to Heaven someday yet still have Heaven’s windows of God’s full blessing closed. (I didn’t say it, the Bible did). When you make the quality decision to start giving God His Tithe by faith, He opens the windows of Heaven and you can start living by faith in all that Jesus has provided.

Make this confession: “I choose today to faithfully and consistently bring all my tithe to God’s Storehouse!”

August 18) Malachi 3:11 “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes…” Who is the devourer? Is it inflation? Not enough overtime? Everything you buy going up in price? Look at John 10:10. Satan is the thief that comes to steal, kill and destroy! He is behind the scene and ultimately responsible for the poverty and lack in the world.

But thank God we have the means to live free from Satan’s curse of lack.

Confession: Because I’m a faithful tither I prove God is faithful every time I give Him His Holy Tithe!

August 19) 1 John 5:19 Amplified Translation: We know [positively] that we are of God and the whole world [around us] is under the power of the evil one. It’s obvious to serious born again believers that Satan is the one behind the stealing, killing and destroying that is rampant all around us.

Now look at Malachi 3:12 And all nations (the people in your realm of influence) (will see the blessings of God on your life because you’re a faithful tither) and they will call you “BLESSED”!

This is one way the gospel is preached every day.

Confession: The blessings of God on my life and family as tithers is a great witness to the lost and hurting people all around me.

August 20) 2 Corinthians 9:6 This is the law of sowing and reaping. It is a spiritual as well as a natural law. V7 This verse isn’t talking about the tithe. God already said how much the tithe is, it’s always 10% no matter how much you make. Whether you work for minimum wage or you earn $10,000 a week, your tithe is 10%. “Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give…” This is talking about offerings! This is after you have given God His 10%! Now you can determine how much you want to give as an offering. Sometimes the Holy Spirit will speak to your heart a certain amount but if He doesn’t, it’s totally “as your purpose in your heart”.

Confession: I’m always faithful to God with His Holy Tithe and I’m also a cheerful giver of offerings!

August 21) Leviticus 27:30 And all THE TITHE OF THE LAND, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, IS THE LORD’S; IT IS HOLY UNTO THE LORD. …v32 AND CONCERNING THE TITHE…THE TENTH SHALL BE HOLY UNTO THE LOVE. I’ve heard people say because they tithe, “I’ve got seed planted so I have a harvest coming.”

One time the Lord told me to have a farmer in our church bring a bushel basket of ears of corn to church for a demonstration. During the sermon in teaching about the tithe, I laid out several ears of corn. I set aside 1 out of every 10 for the priest for his food. So these couldn’t be planted in the ground for a harvest. The remaining 90% could be used to plant some for a future harvest .But also some to sell to pay bills. Then some to eat, so whatever was left I could determine how many to plant for harvest time.

This is how our tithe works today. The tithe takes care of church bills, upkeep and salaries. Offerings are seed planted. And offerings aren’t just what you give in church. You can give financially in many different areas of life.

When you give, always give cheerfully and in faith.

August 22) Proverbs 8:12 “I wisdom dwell with prudence…” prudence: Wise in the management of practical affairs, especially business matters. If you want to prosper God’s way, you must do two things first. One: Get His wisdom from the Bible about His laws of prosperity. Two: With His help develop a financial plan in how you spend your money.

Confession: I will learn God’s system of economics and develop a natural plan in how to manage my money.

August 23) Proverbs 3:27 Either write your bills on a calendar or use a computer or Smartphone to know when they are due! This verse very plainly says: When bills are due, PAY YOUR BILLS WHEN THEY ARE DUE! Always look at your bill calendar to see what is coming due. Don’t spend your house or car payment on eating out or entertainment. Don’t lie to a creditor and say “I don’t have it” if you spent it at McDonalds or a Theme Park. Sometimes you have to crucify your flesh for a season so you can end up where you want to be financially.

Confession: I will be wise in how I manage my money: I will pay God’s tithe first. Then I will pay bills that are due. Then God will bless what I have left.

August 24) James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…and it shall be given him.”V22 “But be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

It’s not what you hear and know, it’s what you know and do that gets results!

Confession: “I follow God’s financial plan for my life. I tithe and give then pay my bills on time! And I always have more than enough left over to take good care of my family.”

August 25) Proverbs 24:30-34 You can’t be lazy and mooch off of others and prosper God’s way.

Deuteronomy 28:8 and 12 God’s financial plan is to “bless all the work of your hand”. Blessed in Hebrew means, “Empowered to prosper”

Confession: “I work my best at what I know to do and God’s anointing to prosper is on my life!”

August 26) Acts 20:32-35, Ephesians 4:28 It’s very plain in the Old and New Testament that God’s plan is for believers to work, to give and to prosper!

Confession: “I don’t just work for a living, I also give for a living! I’m anointed to prosper!”

August 27) Deuteronomy 28:12 “bless all the work of thy hand: and thou shall”“…to LEND unto many nations and thou shall NOT BORROW.” God’s will and God’s plan is for us to get to the place of being givers and even having money to lend! Some teach that it’s a sin to borrow but if it that were true then it would be a sin to lend also. And God wouldn’t tell us to lend if it was a sin.

The first step to becoming a lender is to STOP BORROWING!

Confession: “I’m learning to pay cash for everything and not live off of borrowing.”

August 28) Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go…” You are probably familiar with this verse. But did you ever notice the next verse that tells you part of that training? V7 “The rich ruleth over the poor, and THE BORROWER IS SERVANT TO THE LENDER.”

God wants us free from being servants to debt! And he wants us to teach our children and grandchildren to be tithers, givers and lenders!

Confession: “By an act of my will I choose to be a servant of God and not a servant to debt!”

August 29) Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power (authority) of the tongue…” In other words, what you SAY is a major way of exercising your authority as a believer! Psalm 35:27 “…let them SAY continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which has pleasure in the PROSPERITY of His servant.”

Confession: Make your own confession every day concerning God’s will for your financial well being.

August 30) Matthew 6:31-34 V33 (literal translation) “Go for the expansion of God’s Kingdom FIRST and everything you need will be given to you in abundance!”

Confession: “I always stay Jesus FIRST minded and serve Him! So I never worry about money! Everything I need always shows up!”

August 31) We will close this month with where we started.

3 John 2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest PROSPER…”

Greek: Euodoo -to help on the road or succeed in reaching.

God’s prosperity is more than just money. It’s a progressive thing. It’s His blessing on your life spiritually, mentally, physical, financially and socially. It’s a lifelong process! Keep loving, serving, tithing, giving and confessing God’s Word over your life!

Say out loud from your heart: “God’s will is coming to pass in my life, I’m a lover, a server, always putting Jesus first and I can’t lose for winning! Amen!”



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